Klamath river on a hot summer day

The Heat Is On

Holy cannoli, it’s getting hot out there! Summer has only been here a week or so and I’m feeling unprepared for the heat it brings. Maybe because Spring was so cool this year, even cold on many, many occasions. Did anyone else experience that?

This past weekend we also had a heat wave. So this first weekend into summer, we’re fining ourselves melting already!

Despite the heat, we needed to keep “life” going. Just because we are a travelling family does not mean this lifestyle is a 24/7 vacation.

So what have we been doing to deal with the heat while still getting stuff done?


We start on the kids school work while Jason is working online. We have been taking it outside to do it on a blanket (pretty normal for us to do it this way) and under a large shade tree; hoping to get as much done in the one spot before the sun bakes us.

Although, now that we just got our shade canopies up, we can start sitting under them!

And yes, we do do school year around because there is always something to see, explore or learn about!

We also are currently intermixing our above work with the work of being a camp host. Meaning that we are also trying to get any maintenance done before the hot, hot heat comes on for the day.


While were talking about maintenance, let me tell you about the latest with the bus. As any R.V.er or boatman will tell you, there is never a shortage of projects to get done on your rig.

It turns out we were not the only ones looking for some relief from the hot heat, so were some ants. I can’t blame them, but I’m not sure how much cooler the inside of the bus was. Wouldn’t you know it, when the heat wave comes, the A/C stopped working!

Just so we’re clear, it’s not like we are looking to retreat from nature and hide in an air-conditioned bus, but I need to keep the chocolate from melting! Priorities people!

As far as the ants, we were able to locate a branch that was acting as their bridge to the roof of our bus. Tyler was very helpful and hosed down the whole top to get them off.

Now for the exciting part, can you guess what comes next in this story? Maintenance, of course! Yes, the hosing off of the roof lead to a leak on the inside of the bus. Luckily it is an easy fix and will be remedied by putting some sealer around a bolt that is keeping the solar panels attached.

So really the broken A/C was meant to be because it led to the ants, which lead to the leak so we didn’t have to fix a leak in middle of a rain storm.

After all that fun we then had a small but luckily quick, freak out when we saw that our inside freshwater tank was leaking. Another easy fix, so it was no real problem.

The fun stuff

By the late afternoons the heat was really kick ‘in in and you could usually find us eating an ice cream bar and getting ready to enjoy the coldish river waters right behind our bus.

The kids have made some friends and it’s been really nice that those friends have been sharing their SUP boards with Tyler and Ellie.

While this heat wave may have passed, the hot weather is still here. The river tubes and boards are still in use. And we will be making sure we stock up more on those ice cream bars.

We hope you guys are staying cool out there. Most importantly though, we hope you’re enjoying life!

2 thoughts on “The Heat Is On”

  1. Ugh! Sorry to hear about your ants and leak, but oh so happy that the timing of finding those things out was not during a rain storm. Lol.
    Hope you guys are having fun! Looking forward to the next time we can hang out.

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